Director – Dr. Adam Kent

Dr. Kent has a PhD in Geology and Geochemistry from the Australian National University (1995). Adam has been at OSU since 2002 and the director the Keck Lab since 2013. He conducts research in igneous petrology and volcanology.
Laboratory Manager – Dr. Chris Russo

Dr. Russo has a PhD in geochemistry, specializing in U-series isotope geochemistry, from Oregon State University (2007) and has been Keck Lab manager since 2017. Chris oversees all aspects of operation of the Keck Lab, and can be contacted at
Faculty Research Assistant and ICP Specialist – Mr. Jesse Muratli

Mr. Muratli has a MS degree in Oceanography from OSU with speciality in sediment geochemistry. Jesse first started in the Keck lab as a student worker in 2006!
Advisory Committee
Professor Kristen Buck

Dr. Buck studies the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in marine ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the role of metal-binding ligands in the cycling of bioactive trace elements like iron and copper.
Associate Professor Jennifer Fehrenbacher

Dr. Fehrenbacher’s research involves understanding and explaining changes in the Earth’s climate and oceans using geochemical data derived from microfossils (primarily Foraminifera). She also conducts experiments with live forams to understand how trace elements are incorporated into the calcite shell and to understand how future changes in ocean chemistry and temperature will affect their ability to calcify.
Professor (Senior Research) Brian Haley

Dr. Haley studies paleoclimate and paleoceanography using a range of trace metal and isotopic proxies.
Assistant Professor Erin McParland

Dr. McParland is a marine microbial biogeochemist, who aims to quantify the elusive organic molecules that fuel microbial activity using organic mass spectrometry and trace metal measurements.
Professor Jessica Miller

Dr. Miller uses the trace metal composition of shells, bone, cartilage, and otoliths (fish ear stones) to learn about larval dispersal and mixing and movement in marine organisms. She also uses strontium isotopes to determine th enatal origins and migration history in anadromous fishes, such as Chinook salmon.
Professor Julie Pett-Ridge

Dr. Pett-Ridge uses trace metals and isotopes (including Mo, Nd, Sr, U-series) to study geochemical, hydrologic, and biogeochemcial processes in the critical zone.
Associate Professor Alyssa Shiel

Dr. Shiel studies the biogeochemical cycling of metals and anthropogenic activities as metal sources to the environment using a variety of geochemical tools.
Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus Professor Marta Torres

Dr. Torres applies state-of-the-art inorganic elemental and isotopic measurements of fluids and authigenic minerals to understand drivers and consequences of fluid transport along plate boundaries
Emeritus Professor Gary Klinkhammer

Dr. Klinkhammer was the founding director of the Keck Lab and a pioneer in the application of ICP-MS techniques in paleoceanography and related areas. This work included studies of sediment diagenesis and its effect on the sediment record, exploration of mid-ocean ridges for hydrothermal activity using geochemical sensors, understanding the rare earth geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids, and developing deep-sea spectrometers.
Emeritus Lab Manager Andy Ungerer
Andy retired in 2017 after 30+ years working in geochemical analysis, including over 20 years as the Keck Lab facility manager.